How Can I Recover Emotionally After An Abortion?

Did you know abortion has the potential to impact mental health negatively? Women might feel prepared for the physical side effects following an abortion but can be blindsided by the emotional effects. In this blog, we will uncover the potential emotional effects of abortion so you can stay informed. What To Expect After Abortion A

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What Are the Mental Health Effects of Abortion?

While it’s commonly known an abortion poses certain physical side effects, an abortion can also impact a woman’s mental and emotional health. If you’re currently seeking an abortion or have recently had one, it’s important to understand all the ramifications of the procedure so you can proactively advocate for your health. What Is An Abortion?

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What Are the Different Types of Abortion?

Abortions have many different names, but there are only two main types: medical and surgical. If you are seeking an abortion for an unplanned pregnancy, it’s important to understand the details of each procedure and the risks involved before deciding what’s best for you. What Is A Medical Abortion? A medical abortion, at-home abortion, and

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Why Talk to Us About Abortion?

You likely have multiple ways to learn about abortion. You can connect with family or friends, research this option online, and more. Women’s Hope Medical Clinic is unique in that we provide comprehensive pregnancy services and help you make a decision free from pressure or outside opinions. Here, you are respected, heard, and valued. Keep

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What Are the Risks of Abortion?

Abortion is often marketed as a simple, safe, and effective means to terminate an unwanted pregnancy. The truth is, abortion poses both short and long-term health risks to women.  Keep reading to learn about the types of abortion available and the risks associated with each. You deserve to know all the facts before deciding whether

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My Baby or My Education?

Finding yourself in an unplanned pregnancy in college may sound too challenging. Being a mom and a university student may seem impossible. Here are 5 things to strongly consider before making any major decisions about what you should do if you discover you are pregnant: There are many students who are pregnant and parenting.  According

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3 Things Needed Before Abortion

Understanding Abortion and Pregnancy Options Are you considering an abortion after finding out you’re unexpectedly pregnant? While an abortion might seem like a quick, easy option, it’s essential to check off these three essential things before scheduling the procedure. Confirm You’re Still Pregnant At-home pregnancy tests are usually accurate if taken properly. However, occasionally at-home

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