Do We Need To Be Spiritually Compatible?

The short answer is YES!  But, why? You may be surprised to learn that most major religions have prohibitions against interfaith marriages (meaning believers marrying unbelievers and couples who are of different faiths).  The Bible puts it this way “Do not be yoked...

When Is It Time to Commit?

Wow, what a BIG question.  Let’s see how the experts answer this question.  Father & daughter duo, Dr. John Van Epp & Dr. Morgan Cutlip, give some practical answers to help you think about through this decision. Dr. John Van Epp & Dr. Morgan Cutlip...

Is your partner’s phone use ruining your relationship?

Ever bothered by how much your partner is on his/her phone?  If so, you are not alone.  51% of couples say their partner is often or sometimes distracted by their cellphone while they are trying to have a conversation with them.  While, 40% say they are at least...

Does Porn Impact Relationship Quality?

It has been reported that 50% of couples watch porn together.  An even higher percentage of individuals watch porn alone.  Does it matter? While there have been many consequences of watching porn, one area that hasn’t been talked about very much is porn’s impact on...

Relationship Warning Signs

People “love” being in love.  Relationships are fun and exciting.  But, not all relationships are good.  Sometimes, what starts off as a dream come true gradually turns into a nightmare. Here are 10 questions that can help people evaluate their relationships: Can you...

Seeking experience?

When you are looking for a mechanic, a chef, or a doctor, you usually look for someone who has experience.  Experience suggests knowledge and trustworthiness.  But does that hold true for relationships as well?  Do you want to be with a partner that has a lot of...